Trust Administration / Probate
After a loved one passes, family members must begin the process of transferring legal ownership of assets to beneficiaries. What seems straightforward can become a very complicated process. The attorneys at Wyant Law Offices, S.C. have experience transferring wealth to a decedent’s beneficiaries. We work closely with clients to prepare documents to transfer legal ownership, settle outstanding creditor issues, resolve disputes among beneficiaries and prepare tax returns necessary to settle a decedent’s income, estate, gift and generation skipping tax issues.
Trust Administration
Many individuals implement estate plans to avoid the complexity and expense of court-supervised probate. Even with such a plan, there are still accounting, reporting and tax-filing requirements that must be handled prior to a final distribution of the decedent’s assets to the beneficiaries. We assist clients to properly settle a loved one’s affairs, even if a probate estate is not necessary.
In certain situations, a court-supervised probate is necessary to settle a deceased loved one’s affairs. Probate is an ongoing procedure, usually lasting nine months to a year, with extensive filing requirements and numerous deadlines. We routinely work with personal representatives of estates to prepare the documents to open a probate, attend all requisite court hearings, publish notice to creditors, settle valid claims and challenge claims in court when invalid. Finally, our attorneys account for all the receipts and distributions to and from the estate prior to the beneficiaries receiving their inheritances.
Call for an initial consultation
Wyant Law Offices, S.C. has the knowledge and experience to help you transfer legal ownership of assets after a loved one passes.
Call us today at 262-634-1203 to schedule your initial consultation.
Wyant Law Offices, S.C.
601 Lake Avenue Suite 110
Racine, WI 53403
Phone: 262-634-1203
Fax: 262-634-1933
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1303
Racine, WI 53401-1303
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